Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Reflections on Week 1

  1. I don't think their are any factors that would majorly affect my participation. Luckily, I do have access to a computer and a smart phone. As for my scheduele, that would be the only thing that may affect my effort in the class. Because of the new schedule, I am taking all 7 classes at once. This may become to stressfull and it won't allow me to put in 100% effert into the work I turn in for english.
  2. The most memerable learning experience i've had is when I went to Sedgwick Reserve during fourth and fifth grade. This experience changed me because it helped me love the outdoors. They not only taught us about plants and animals, they also taught us important morals and life lessons.
  3.  I am most concerned about the work load of this class. This year, im taking on alot of challenging classes therfore i'm afraid that the work load will be to much to handle. most of all, I look foward to learning about greek gods and godesses.

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