Monday, September 29, 2014

Literary Analysis

Literary Analysis:

  1. Celie, the main character of the novel, has constantly suffered and felt victimized throughout her entire life. Celie keeps a journal in which she describes her thoughts and feelings. The journal starts with her describing her fathers physical and sexual abuse. She gave birth to two of her fathers children, which he gave away. Later in the story, Celie marries a man whom Celie refers to as Mr.____. Mr.____ originally wanted to marry Nettie, Celie's younger sister, but their father doesn't allow it and insists on Mr.___ marring Celie. Nettie eventually runs away to stay with Celie, but is kicked out by Mr.___ and Celie doesn't hear from her again. Celie feels more depressed than ever because Nettie was the only person she has ever loved. Celie has always been obedient and quite passive, she never put up a fight for herself. This all changed when Shug Avery comes to live with Celie and Mr.___. As Shug Avery and Celie spend more time together, they become closer. Celie falls in love with Shug Avery and sees her as her idol. Celie shares things with Shug Avery that she's never told anybody else. Together, they find out that Nettie is still alive and has been sending Celie letters which she never received because Mr.___ has been hiding them. With the support from Shug Avery and the encouragement from the letters, she finally built the courage to stand up for herself. She and Shug Avery move out together and she hopes one day, her sister will return and live with her.
  2. The novel demonstrates the importance of having self confidence. In the beginning of the novel, she thought of herself as an object or just someones property. She tried to hide her emotions and was very submissive, but towards the end of the novel she being to gain more self confidence. She starts to believe that she deserves better and finally begins to stand up for herself, which eventually leads to a happy fulfilling life for herself.
  3. I was first recommended this book by a close friend who described the main plot of the novel. I was immediately intrigued by the brutal topics this book addresses. I wanted to know to know what happened to Celie and how she dealt with the hardships she was faced with. As i began to read the book, i became more interested with the character Celie. She was so timid and passive, but i knew she would eventually explode.
  4. Yes, I did find this book to be realistic. You can compare Celie's behavior after being sexually abused to that of many girls who have also gone through the same thing. For example, she kept her feelings to herself, spoke very little, and avoided eye contact. Also, this book addressed racism in the south and discrimination between genders. This can all be connected t real events in the 1900's. For example, in the book, Pa sold his daughter, which also happened in the 1900's.
  5. The tone of the story was lonely, serious, and honest. In the journal, she doesn't try to hide her embarrassments, her thoughts, or what she's been through; she is completely honest. A quote from the novel that can support this is, "He start to choke me, saying You better shut up and git used to it. And know i feel sick every time I be the one to cook."another quote that supports the tone can be. "My mamma dead. She die screaming and cussing. She scream at me. She cuss at me." Lastly, a third quote that helps identify the tone of the novel can be when Mr.___ tells Celie," You're black, you're poor, you're ugly, you're a women, you're nothing at all."
  6. Literary Terms:
Setting- The novel takes place in Georgia, the deep south. During the time that this novel takes place, Georgia was full of racism against African Americans that lived there. An example of this can be when Celie and Corrine are in the stare and the clerk speaks very rudely to them.
Time period- Takes place approximately between the 1900-1940's. This was a hard time for African Americans because they were subjected to Jim Crow Laws.
Foil- The author uses Sofia and Shug as Celie's foils. For example, sofia is independent, strong, and stands up for herself whereas Celie is submissive and afraid.The contrast of the behaviors helps the reader understand both characters and their own personal journeys of self-discovery in the novel.

Figurative Language 
Hyperbole"She bout ten thousand times more prettier than me"(Walker 7).
Metephor"You made my life hell on earth" (Walker 207)
Personification- "My mind up on a though, git confuse, run back and sort of lay down" (Walker 197).

God-We can identify god as being a symbol of escape or salvation. For most of the book, she writes to god to escape the real world and let out her thoughts and emotions.
PurpleThe color purple represents all the good things in the world that . In the beginning, Celie has no sense of what the color purple is, but towards the end Shug Avery helps her realize what shes been missing.
Pants- During that time era, women didn't regularly wear pants. when Celie decides to wear pants, it shows that she has broken free from all gender stereotypes. Pants are a symbol of liberation and freedom.


  1. There are examples of both direct and indirect characterization in the novel. For example, on page 205, Celie states," i'm poor, i'm black, i'm ugly..."Another example of direct characterization can be seen when Celie is describing Sofia as," strong and ruddy looking." Indirect characterization can be found on page     where Sofia states,"I loves Harpo, God knows I do. But I'll kill him dead 'fo I let him beat me." This quote helps describe Sofia and her strong willed mind. It proves she is an independent women that is willing to stand up for herself.The quote, " You got to fight to fight them, Celie, she say. I can’t do it for you (Walker 21)" is also an example of indirect characterization because it shows that Celie is timid and passive. It is important for an author to use both approaches because it will allow the reader to engage with the character. 
  2. Throughout the novel, Celie's syntax and diction stay the same. However, the syntax and diction does change from character to character. For example, Celie usually speaks in shorty ,choppy sentences, where as Nettie speaks with more complex, grammatically correct sentences. The author does this to demonstrate to the reader who has a higher level of education. netties sentences are more descriptive and formal indicating to the reader that she has gotten more education than her sister celie.
  3. The protagonist, Celie is both a round and dynamic character. At the beginning of the story she was a timid, submissive women who had no self confidence, however this all changes by the end of the novel. With the support of Shug Avery, Sophia, and Nettie, Celie is able to change into a self confident, happy woman.
  4. After reading the book, i do feel as though I've met the main character. Because the book was in a diary format, it allowed celie to be alot more honest and open with the readers. We were able to understand her feelings and struggles. Also, because the journal was a big factor in her character change, it makes the readers feel as if we held her hand throughout the book helping her become a more confident, happier version of herself.

Enduring Memory

One idea that will stay with me comes from a quote said by Shug Avery, "I believe God is everything, say Shug. Everything that is or ever was or ever will be. And when you cam feel that, and be happy to feel that, you've found it.” The quote above shows us that god has no race, gender, or appearance. God is everywhere and with everything. Another idea that will stay with me is Celie's suffering. Although Celie had a tough life, she managed to get through it and live happily in the end. Whenever i'm having a bad day or going through a tough time, i'll remember Celie and it'll help remind me that i can get through it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Journal Entry

To me, a hero is someone who stands up for what he or she believes in even if they’re standing alone. They don’t only think about themselves, but also the well being of others. Also, a hero is somebody who can overcome any barrier or obstacle that is put in front of them with a strong and positive attitude. A hero can be anyone you look up to or aspire to be. A lot of times, in movies, heroes are the ones wearing the cape fighting the villain, but to me, a hero doesn’t need any of that.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Words from Latin Roots # 2


1. anni, annu, ennui : year
2. aqua, aque : water3. arm : arm, weapon4. art : art, skill, craft


1. aqua: the hue of the sea; bluish-green
The ocean looks a nice aqua aqua color.
2. aquaculture: the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food
As farming lands decrease, aquaculture will become more popular over the years. 3. aqueous: watery, like, of, or formed by water
The aqueous milkshake was no longer appetizing
4. armada: a fleet of warships
An armada of destroyers, minesweepers, and gunboats destroyed their enemies for good.
5. armature: equipment or clothing  for battle, or any protective covering, an armlike extension
Without the discovery of iron armature, the Han Dynasty wouldn't have conquered as much land.
6. armistice: a temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement, as a truce preliminary to a peace treaty
Although the armistice was declared, the war was not over.
7. artifact: any object produced by the art of the human hand, simple or primitive objects from the distant past
Ancient artifacts are usually kept in high security museums.
8. artifice: cunning ingenuity; clever or sly trickery
 The students were quite artifice
9. artisan: a person who is skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft
She was described as the artisan of quilt-making.
10. millennium: a period of peace and great prosperity, a thousand years. 
 The Chinese empire lasted over a millennium.
11. perennial: year after year, throughout the years; a plant that blooms annually
An agave is an example of a perennial plant. 
12. superannuated: worn out or retired, from age and years of use and hard work: obsolete or outdated
Fashion typically becomes superannuated.